
Yeah and right after she quoted Marx about religion being a drug.

They do it all the time.

9 episodes preparing for war, 3 episodes of trash people origin story (fucking kill me), 5 random standalone episodes that don't do anything to advance the plot.

It doesn't need to be day in and day out though. It could be one day a week.

Have you watched Chef's table? I could see people like that running restaurants despite not needing the money. If you love to cook and for you its like making art then that could be very fulfilling.

How would a post scarcity world possibly result in an Earth without art?? If anything there would be an explosion of art, since people could pursue creative interests without having to worry about generating a stable income for themselves. How much art have we lost throughout history because the genius creative

what makes a job meaningful though? Just the fact that you do it for money? That you *have* to work in order to survive? The characters in Star Trek are doing their jobs despite the fact that they don't need to work to survive. In Star Trek's post-scarcity world they don't need to work at all. Wouldn't that make

I mean, Rick's already left one Beth on Cronenberg world. Our current Beth is definitely not C137's original Beth (this Beth's Rick is buried in the backyard).

Agreed. We've seen evidence of Rick's love for his family too many times. We know it's true, and Rick trying desperately to undermine that at the end is totally in character.

wait so he was supposed to be able to come back permanently after 10 years? I got the distinct impression watching the film that it was only once every ten years, like he'd have a nice weekend or something then have to go back to work.

I refuse to believe he couldn't make time for some bucket lovin at least once a week

I thought the barnacles and fish parts were a result of Davy Jones' dereliction of his Davy Jones duties? When Will took over didn't everyone go back to looking like normal people?

This would be so much better without the trash people, with rick and company working on making a deal with Oceanside these past few episodes instead. Like, we're taking guns from sane people who have genuine grievances with the saviors and could be pretty easily convinced to join the fight, and giving them to crazy

it is still an art form. Those models they were sticking hair on in this featurette were sculpted digitally, which involves a lot more than mouse clicks and menu selection. They should show the sculpting process more often, that's where the art side of things is most apparent.

I'm pretty sure the background in that swooping camera dive is actually fully CGI.

Man, read that pull quote. That word salad is dribbling out of the mouth of the president of the United States. Sad.

I was hoping Stan's new girlfriend would turn out to be Elizabeth in a wig

Yeah, sure, that too. They're not mutually exclusive

If you consider yourself liberal, Bill Maher is your friend. His way of addressing current issues and his particular brand of "political incorrectness" (not to be confused with Trump's version of it) is exactly what the left needs today. When there are so many genuine foes or progressivism out there, I can't wrap my

Ben Affleck was way off base in that segment though. All Harris was saying was that the left should be able to criticize the ideas in Islam without immediately being burned at the stake for it, and Ben Affleck basically proved his point by attempting to do just that.