
Yeah I know, but it being a novel I kind of assumed it was something that happened earlier chronologically, and just wasn't revealed until then (that's just how I remember it though, it's place in the timeline could have been more firmly established and I just don't remember).

That would be a pretty baller transition.

Also Kill Bill. Though the bloodshed wasn't a surprise.

Yeah I mentioned unless someone specifically asks for it

The only time people use the "nobody cares that you read a book" defense is when experts comment in the newbie thread with book comparisons.  Which IS pretty ridiculous given that AV club has two articles to keep these things separate.  As far as I'm concerned people who have read the books should treat the newbie

applesticker - it looks like a video game cut scene from a few years ago.  Just blatantly CGI and it clashes with the visual aesthetic of the show.

I really miss season 1 mountain too

I mentioned that I really like the concept, but the execution isn't so great when you see it up front and center.  When Will's sleepwalking it works because the stag is in silhouette 

Yeah that's not a bad solution.  And no I don't think that was necessarily spoilery, it didn't need to be flagged, but that's not to say it hasn't happened elsewhere in this thread.  
I just think it might be easier for everyone if any talk of the books is left to the experts review.  You can say whatever you like

The only thing I didn't like was the lack of the Greatjon, only because he was so fantastic in season 1, and now he's essentially not a character anymore.  I do understand that seeing him killing a whole bunch of Freys would have lessened the sense of utter defeat in the scene, but he's just so cool, we could have at

That's how I took it in the book as well, just an incredibly dry, mean spirited joke on Roose's part.

I think any time any one comes into the "newbies" thread and mentions the books its a bit condescending, regardless of how harmless the information is.

I guess it's not so much the plausibility of it, but that it looked fake, you can tell its CGI.  And they could have avoided it all together by just having the ceiling already be fully damp.  The rest of the show is so nice visually, these CGI blemishes really stand out and detract somewhat.  I just wish they'd be a

For a show that's shot with such artistry, it surprises and disappoints me that some of the CGI is so bad.  It's also usually completely avoidable.  Did we need to see the ceiling darkening from moisture that rapidly in the opening sequence?  The only way that would happen that quickly is if someone dumped a few

it was definitely the battle at castle black.  Stannis actually takes part in that battle.  Why would melisandre show him the battle of the fist?

but they were just standing there, not taking part at all…so why does that have to be an element of the ritual?  why cant the ritual just involve pep but and cinnamon bun?  There's no reason for them to be there other than to reference a previous episode.

The one thing I didn't like were the extra characters in the room with pep but while he did the ritual.  They didn't say anything, they were just there so we could point at them and say hey I remember that guy from that episode!  It was distracting and unnecessary.  Would have preferred pep but doing the ritual by

or candy people have reeally short lifespans (except PB, whose probably been around since the beginning), so the 300 years is 300 years in like, dog years or something.

One of the things I find so fascinating about the Melisandre story line is that despite characters being presented with irrefutable evidence that something supernatural is happening, it isn't the same as evidence that the Red God exists as Melisandre says it does (maybe its just her magic, maybe its some other

I'm sure it's been said, but 7 seasons sounds about right to me.  It will line up fine if they combine books 4 and 5 into a single season, which they basically have to do given that those books occur concurrently and HBO isn't going to give us an entire season without Peter Dinklage or Emilia Clarke.  I don't dislike