
The crime scene at the beginning is definitely a head scratcher.  If Colt shot Mark in the head, how did mark crawl over and text Tim?  Especially when they show us the bullet hole above the couch that TELLS us they haven't forgotten about the head shot.  
This show is so good, especially at off handed details like

That was Boyd's gun not Colt's

I know this is an age old, pointless complaint, but holy shit AMC, you don't need to telegraph what's going to happen in the episode with the "previously on" segment.

Yeah I think this episode was definitely referencing D&D directly, video games indirectly.  I mean Pen Ward's even said he writes this show as if it were an ongoing D&D campaign.

" Ice King represents the arbitrary randomness of this show’s worst episodes"

The whole trojan horse thing sounds like a cool idea, but once you realize that it only dropped off maybe like, a dozen walkers, and you consider that these are the people who cleared out the prison, something the governor is aware of and thought impossible, you realize its not really that big of a deal.  They

They shot Lew Temple in the temple you guys.

That's just how Rick chooses to remember her

Just watch everything, the episodes aren't that long.  The entire series is available on itunes and season 1 is available on dvd, and i think it might be coming to netflix sometime soon as well.

Finn was about 12 when the show started.  He's about 14 or 15 now.

I really enjoyed this one you guys.  I would probably give it a B+.  All of the weirdness hit me as incredibly funny and delightful.  Oliver definitely prefers the more emotional or mythology based episodes (as do I), but the show is called adventure time, sometimes you get an episode that is just an adventure.

Here we see Barker Simmons' (age 7) final, desperate moments with his mother as he is left with the family abortionist, Billy Crystal.

Here we see Barker Simmons' (age 7) final, desperate moments with his mother as he is left with the family abortionist, Billy Crystal.

Adventure Time is my #1 of 2012.  Followed by Breaking Bad, Justified, louie and homeland, in no particular order.  Season four of AT was pretty incredible.

Adventure Time is my #1 of 2012.  Followed by Breaking Bad, Justified, louie and homeland, in no particular order.  Season four of AT was pretty incredible.

"no detainee in CIA custody revealed the facilitator/courier’s full true name or specific whereabouts"
Maybe I'm remembering wrong, but isn't this EXACTLY what happens in the film?  The Courier's "full true name" is discovered through means entirely unrelated to torture, as is his specific whereabouts.  We just hear

"no detainee in CIA custody revealed the facilitator/courier’s full true name or specific whereabouts"
Maybe I'm remembering wrong, but isn't this EXACTLY what happens in the film?  The Courier's "full true name" is discovered through means entirely unrelated to torture, as is his specific whereabouts.  We just hear

At the end they implied that this explosion was caused by the c4 from the tailor shop…so does that mean the batteries from royas car were just batteries?  So nobody actually tested them to see if they had c4 in them??

At the end they implied that this explosion was caused by the c4 from the tailor shop…so does that mean the batteries from royas car were just batteries?  So nobody actually tested them to see if they had c4 in them??

Yeah its basically a no win situation - either he is a terrorist and we have pretty inexcusable situations like revealing Brody's tape, or he's not a terrorist, in which case he's acted pretty dumb and out of character (leaving Aileen with the glasses, etc) for the sake of the plot.