drew p weiner

He should consider himself fortunate that anyone still cares about his shitty tired old music.

Nor is there any real explanation as to why Roosevelt wouldn't have immediately called for an ambulance and backup upon seeing Tara bleeding all over the floor.

I did really enjoy the scene where Nero tossed Gemma out. I loved his annoyance upon seeing her sitting there ready to start another "woe is me" bitchfest and how he wasn't having any of that crap this time around, long time coming if you ask me.

Seriously, I'd probably trust Wendy with those kids more than I'd trust the psychotic lunatic Gemma, yet Wendy is evil because she's just a sad skeevy junkie while Gemma is supposed to be this icon despite being completely insane.

I didn't watch the "aftershow" as I hate that sort of shit, KS actually said that?? LOL…"START hating Gemma"?? What's to LIKE about Gemma? Her character is an absolutely awful human being with no redeeming qualities whatsoever. Just having a character claim to "love her grandkids" isn't enough to balance the character

Oh yeah, that was awful. And you knew right away it was leading to "everything I did I did for my sons"…ummmm, yeah Jax, I'm sure when they're old enough to understand they'll be grateful that you banged that hooker and killed those dozen people all for them.

I was hoping that was what was going to happen, because Jax walking in and finding his wife, his mother, the local sheriff and one of his guys lying there dead seemed like a very SOA thing to do. Juice's schtick is wearing thin and Gemma's wore out a few seasons ago.

It's like they feel obliged to remind the viewer that Wendy is A JUNKIE in every single scene she's in.