The Literary Omnivore

Exactly. I grew up watching these guys do their thing, and having them back feels all warm and fuzzy.

This is… this is beautiful.

I like it when Teen Wolf remembers that it's a horror show. I don't think the motel needs any more explanation than, say, the abandoned mall, especially since the kids have to get back to Beacon Hills from wherever the meet was.

I agree that the structure didn't work one hundred percent, but I'm glad that Teen Wolf is getting more ambitious and taking more chances. And, as you say, it does disguise the fact that the action sequence at the heart of it is kind of dumb (so business as usual on this show), but it was filmed so beautifully that I

Despite not knowing Klein from Adam, I enjoyed his stand-up; it ages extremely well. Radner's fireman bit was just lovely. And I was kind of struck by the fact that they at least tried to put ABBA in a sketch of sorts (even if it's just a frame joke), no matter what their motivation was.

I figured out who the twins look like to me: blond Taylor Lautners.

Derek and Ms. Blake are a clearly telegraphed couple; therefore, by the law that nothing good can ever happen to Derek Hale, she is behind the virgin sacrifices. What a clean little piece of camp this show is!

The more write-up, the better, I'm concerned. Being young and raised by French wolves, I had extraordinarily little concept of Reiner's career before your write-up.

I think she got a "special guest star" credit as well, which is just delightful. You go, Teen Wolf, get down with your bad self.

As much as I love Stiles and Dylan O'Brien and as much as the production clearly loves him, I think a little Stiles goes a long way. The balance was a little off at the beginning for me, although I will always tune into Stiles and Scott talking each other into doing stuff.

Exactly! Plus, I imagine the Sheriff would have checked out the cellar and noticed all the glass and blood. Two girls (Lydia and Heather) hallucinating awful things—I hope they deal with this this season.

How odd to see an episode that's essentially just music. Being raised by wolves, I don't have any particular allegiance to Paul Simon, but seeing the start of one of the show's friends is nice.

Oh! Thanks for the correction; now I'm actually intrigued.

Ah, Teen Wolf. Its particular blend of enjoyable urban fantasy and silly teenage shenanigans continue unabated. (Scott doing his damndest to use his word of the day is just… Scott. You are such a sweet kid.) Cheeseball horror is just the right way to put it.

I sat there going "that's not right, that's not right, THAT IS NOT RIGHT" at the television. I'm excited to see how this ties into the mythology of the show.

I just decided to start mainlining Saturday Night Live from 2001 on (tracking a few careers) and was wondering how I'd make up the difference. I'm very pleased to be able to pick up from the beginning with this column!