
well…they are lesbians.

sasha could mentor him in bitchiness and he could hang out with boo's brothers!

that poor boy. i just wanted to hug him. i understood why he wanted to be left alone, but my god, it must have killed julia and joel to have to leave him like that.

Warren and Bert together is a great combo.
Also, the conference table scene was brilliantly sad and pathetic.

they were not the bad guys in any of the mighty ducks movies so it's all cool.

and they are GREAT.

the last three episodes (the finale is called "we;re all here anyway" try not to weep) are on itunes and they are a thing of beauty.


thank god they aren't taking trophy wife away from me. yet.

i actually really liked Kudrow in the role.
Also totally loved Mellie's big scene. God taht woman is something else.

ugh. i like Kristina most of the time. But charterization is such a horrific response to the problems public schools have.

that part was brilliant. Axel and Mike high fiving killed me for some reason.

i fucking love this show. please do not take it away from me.

I love most of the Ramona books especially when she starts school but I am very fond of Dear Mr. Henshaw for some reason. That might actually be my favorite.

This show is just fantastic. It's everything modern family wants to be—an actual representation of an actual modern family, an under-seen one no less.

big difference for some ppl between talking to groups of kids and adults.

i laughed at loud many many times. good enough for me.

my understanding is that bad news for "Dads" is good news for humanity.

Fizbo is thre best episode of that show, and such a great example of what it could have been, had it not been run into the ground with crap storytelling.

oh yeah. the killings are just straight up murder. i mean, really creepy, artfully shot, gross-and-beautiful murder—but we know how to react to murder. the gaslighting is a lot more subtle and no one else knows that something is wrong. it's a much quieter crime and i think it is scarier for that.