

i do not know that, actually. but thanks for mansplaining it to me.

dude, why are you even asking this? get off the computer, go to a bookstore—not a library, you need to own this shit—and buy it and read it. then you may come back and speak to us about it.

Big Love!

or private school. if they have the money—which it seems like they do, right?—find a nice, possibly mixed-grade progressive private that does a lot of work with sped kids and/or has a focus on literacy/language based LDs. i mean public school is awesome and i am fully for it and worship at the alters of kozol and

i laughed at loud multiple times at that. especially Drew's "good talk, bro" as the closing line. and Ryan's patient tone as he said "no, see, my name isn't dude either."

YOU SHUT YOUR MOUTH ABOUT ISLAND OF THE BLUE DOLPHINS. a skirt of cormorant feathers! the poor wild dog who she had come to rely on, cut down! A FUCKIN SKIRT OF CORMORANT FEATHERS. come on. her amazing fishing capabilities!

i recognize that this show is no Parks. but it's the only thing i'm watching (Parks, Brooklyn 99, New Girl, The Middle) that makes me laugh out loud frequently. There's something about the cast chemistry I think, even though I recognize that the others are largely better shows.

that was AMAZING. 

it's not very good. the only worthwhile thing was that sound guy and i think he died.
now, this american life, wait wait, marketplace, all things considered, etc, all excellent.

the fact that you included Parks, Gatsby, and  Tollbooth makes me way too happy.

i still rewatch that show. total shocker to see lily turn into jennifer on parks.

Harry Potter is completely worth it. Twilight is freaky abstinence rape culture porn. Skip.

The Sopranos and The Wire are the big gaps that I need to remedy. And film. I have very little film knowledge. Largely because I am such a chronic rewatcher. And probably some classic literature….

"Roseanne bar is fat.  Kristie Alley is often fat.  Again, zero issue.  They have excessive adipose tissue, centering around the midsection particularly, that indicates their calorie/activity balance is not correct."

Piper also de-sympathesizes herself, which helps.

Right. It's a completely and totally reasonable point, and frankly, the fact that fewer people would have watched OitNB if we'd had a PoC as the "gateway person" is reprehensible. so say that, instead of whining about something you haven't even watched—and that has done a really remarkable job showing stories we don't

except she's not actually religious. she's only religious because it got her out of something. before that she didnt give a shit. she isn't religious deeply or any meaningful way; she's religious because it was easier (although i guess you could say that's true for a lot of people…)

that would actually be awesome.
i mean i am pretty sure that i would react more or the same way piper did if i were sent to prison. i would be a lot more terrified and my various anxiety disorders would mean i'd be having nonstop panic attacks but aside from that i would kind of assume that i could talk myself out of

"i'm just going t say it….you;re not going to hell!" heehee. that was awesome.