Antonionis Erstwhile DP

What you wrote displayed an empty-minded snobbery. Simple as that. But we all say stupid things on occasion; I'm really not criticizing you as a person, or even calling you a classist. It just so happened that one thing you wrote displayed that trait.

The biggest, blackest prostitute that Ken's ever seen? Clearly Pete does not know who he's talking to.


I will never understand people who do not appreciate or understand the frightening profundity, unrivaled philosophical insight, and dazzling prose of TFAD.

It's just that bird law on this planet is not governed by reason.

Brooks was telling an uproarious anecdote about her dying words when the bad news broke.

If we are going to have only one season of this show, please let Dr. Chilton put in an appearance. My one request. Besides it not being cancelled.

I agree that's a distinct possibility, that he might have had a kind of indifference or apathy about certain things, as much as he might have been relatively simple or unintelligent. Either way, not a temperament well-suited for the office.

Oh, good morning.

I feel obligated to mention:

If I might be nitpicky, I wouldn't say they're famous for it, at least in the US.

I hoped O'Neal was obliquely reference George W. Bush confusing Sweden with Switzerland, which I happened to read about today:

Winning Streak Week

As if this show hadn't won me over already, we get in this episode:
-Clark Herbert fucking Westerfeld (Westerfeld, of course! How did we not see that?)
-Table Pac-Man
-Claudia and Elizabeth's wedding glasses
-and teenaged popped collar.

Yep, for me this one ranked up there with their Hilton pitch.

Right, and even back in season 1, "Red in the Face," Don displays his petty, irrational jealousy, when he outrageously accues Betty of flirting with Roger at dinner.

Right, a third agency, J. Walter Thompson, got Heinz—not Peggy and Chaough.

Yes! Having Googled it, I can only find references to 30 Rock. And sure enough, the drink that Chaough gets is red, as an Old Spanish (red wine and tonic, and olives) would be.

Mexicans hate fireworks like British people don't love the word "cunt." I think.

I'm not sure anyone is doing that.