Antonionis Erstwhile DP

And this, its anniversary one day before the West, TX explosion:

What is the sound of one white hand wringing?


Oh God, he's OD'ing!

Clark, such a Presbyterian.

Oh GAWD yes.

Absolutely. For all the novelty of near-instantaneous news delivery, I think there's a historical myopia in that piece that doesn't serve anyone.

I just want to note my pleasure that his state school remark has not been forgotten.

"Wow…that actually does sound really good."

Well, you freaked out when he said it was "getting quadroon."

Plus, being a former Senator from Maryland, she's more likely a Democrat than not, I'd imagine.

Re: the balls of the cinematographer, do you mean him wanting to shoot from inside the globe of death? I almost wish I hadn't learned that, because that would have been pretty damn cool. If possible.

Wow, he does look a lot like Gosling. And listening to him today, I sort of noticed the speech similarity, too.

Mostly MSG?

What have you been doing?? DON'T LEAVE US HANGING!!

Seriously, Evan, her blog is impressive.

Oh right! Yes, that was a lovely coincidence.

Insofar as it's the most different from Tree, for the sake of variety, I think Badlands would be a good choice for you.

To the Blunder, more like.

Well said.