Antonionis Erstwhile DP

Warwickshire's always had our back.

@avclub-578e8fa3ff67e364550447d75dce678d:disqus Understandable why you'd reference that, I was also disappointed that Oswalt liked such a shallow piece.

@avclub-3be42d8a3412057f79af152555e39bd4:disqus Yes, the gap between the actual scene and what, apparently, was intended is considerable:http://blogs.wsj.com/speake…

"I've had good results with ether."

Talking to Protestants so wantonly. Like it's nothing.

"I believe in what goes around comes around. One day I'm going to be a veteran in paradise. One day I'm going to be the man who can't sleep and talks to strangers."

Yep, and Don mentions it to Dr. Rosen, so it must be recent news.

Poor Terry.

When you somefuck fuck it

The review on Fresh Air the other day actually played a bit of dialogue from it. I was surprised; that seems like it would overstep one of Weiner's boundaries.

Stay strong! We are few but are out there.


@drdarke:disqus I don't. Wouldn't be good for my health. You're absolutely right about its far wider and far more significant reach and influence, of course.

@avclub-615e85318c18d18b6901b69196261c5e:disqus Really good stuff.

George Lazenby's breaking of the fourth wall, Hilary Bray voice, and jabot were intended to convey just how hard he was tripping through most of OHMSS.

The only bit of Top Gear I've had the displeasure of viewing was the segment on the Mexican sports car, which featured probably the most virulent, disgusting bigotry that I've ever seen condoned by a major broadcaster in this day and age.

Holy Vegemite, I did not know Julian McMahon is Australian. Impressive.

Amen, @avclub-8dd007f4a97be79c135c67999bf5b27e:disqus .

Seriously, Hollywood thinks anything from the Peloponnese suffices for Sparta. No no, omfg no. They usually just do a stereotypical 'Corinthian bro' accent and call it Spartan. (and don't get me started on that, seeing as how most of those douchebags are from f'ing EPHESUS anyway)