Okay, I am glad to learn that there is popular sentiment that the New Yorker's main film critics are generally awful. So I'm not crazy.
Okay, I am glad to learn that there is popular sentiment that the New Yorker's main film critics are generally awful. So I'm not crazy.
I would just like to point out:
Damn Emocrats.
Cake guy is admirably composed.
The section of Ode to Joy played during the credits is maybe my favorite ending music of Mad Men. A beautiful punch in the gut to cap off Ken's lines and the dripping faucet.
I wondered the same!
Yes. That's what frightened me most reading this.
"ten evening jackets"
That's only reasonable. Between shawl and peak; black, white, and midnight blue; and single- and double-breasted, I can easily see a socially active gentleman owning as many. Variety is the spice of life.
Endymion Snoozed.
Regardless of anything else, that is a pretty cool name.
Dialogue from a deleted scene in Cosmopolis.
That unreasonably irked me, yes.
Thank you!
So is there sizable discontent with the PM in her party? Is that how such a challenge comes about? I don't know anything about Australian politics, I'm afraid.
The image of Philip, wearing his creepy dude wig and facial hair, holding a shotgun in one hand and a young child in the other, was hilarious.
Oh man, you're right.
And as if Clark wasn't already enough of a ladykiller…the turtleneck/sweater combo? Ooof…
Another good episode for music. What song was playing during Martha and Clark's sweet sweet loving?
That is going up there with "Learned Hand" as one of my favorite judicial names.