Gerri Seinfeld

Everybody's right cuz opinions can't be wrong yayyyyyy!

You made a typo while making a joke about John Cusack's typos. A typo within a typo even.

Everyone couldn't have known that Ryan Howard has been going [downhill] since the end of season 3 since the end of season 3.

Pretty great episode. One gripe though. Lumen runs into her hotel room and a figure appears at the end of the hall that is assumed to be Cole. And then someone knocks on the door, Lumen looks through the peephole and sees a housekeeper walk away. See, when a housekeeper knocks on a door and nobody answers, the

She was using hyperbole. Even if Pam is controlling, I doubt she would let Jim sleep through the night for more than one night while she is up with the baby.