
cornershop deserves a shout-out

I know at least 10 people in South Dakota who love Freddy Got Fingered. And yes, that is the total, including myself, of people that I know

I say this as a huge fan of Randy Newman, but does he really need his own gateway to geekery? His discography isn't especially daunting or dense. I agree with HopeImprovment in that I'm more interested in Gateways to Geekery for dense or difficult discographys (Frank Zappa, Tom Waits, etc) or harder to crack genres

thats exactly how I felt Nicole.

The first time i heard I've got a feeling it changed my life

Srsly America's already known for like a decade
So Black Eyed Peas are incredible. It's all me and my friends listen to now. The first six-seven songs of the e.n.d. are all competing for best song of all time in my head

Idiot King you should have realized the second you finished typing that post that that idea sounds completely awesome