Doctor Dave

Hotter than Ozzie Nelson?????

@Tanaka Should we add "out" to the last line for your hidden meaning?

@Impeach Churchill She dropped "Unit." So, that Moon Zappa you've been hearing so much about is her.

There used to be an NBA player named Uwe Blab (pronounced OO-veh Blahp). Almost as melodious as Augustus Gloop.

I love Tarnatonio. My favorite movie of his is Plop Facturitino.

I hate how they always cut out the plane crashes.

Is anyone else wondering why O'Neal associates Sysqo with "fingering his taser"? Hmm? Apparently somebody wants to see Sysqo's thong.

Like a ferret's? Or each like a ferret?

It's a sad imitation of LeRoy Neiman's.

Swaddling = wrapping in cloth, InsertPunHere.

Abigail Adams was hawtt.

Are we interrupting, guys?

Ooo, ooo! Can they split the screen into 64 boxes and have a different story in each?

Garry Marshall would share our overwhelming bourgeois sense of shame at your remark, my perceptive simian friend. If he were here. And if he had feelings.

Hey, c'mon! The corpse of Dick Clark has been rockin' that ball-drop for about forty years. Surely paralyzing traffic in one of the world's great cities on a major holiday is a small price to pay to see Ryan Seacrest in a scarf trying to count backwards from 10.

I'd try to get the wives interested in other Hugh Grant movies: Sirens or, um, Sirens would be good.

Bite Down Hard: The Teri Garr Story

@a thoughtful muse

*the arguably somewhat less successful twin

The beautiful thing
is that Jimmy "Pretty Boy Floyd" Matoya spent years on the professional pool circuit pursuing and winning trophies.