Doctor Dave


@Tuxedo Monkey

Could you fix the opening sentence, please? It is suffering from a dangling participle among other things.

UNCLE is an international crime-fighting and counter-espionage agency. Its archenemy is THRUSH, a multinational fascistic criminal conspiracy. It didn't have anything to do with the NATO vs. Soviet Bloc conflicts. In fact, the guy who ran it (can't remember the name) was English and while the first lead was American


@Limeade Youth

@CW Mainstream hardcore porn is realistic???

Doesn't Carmen Electra's "acting" automatically transform any movie she is in into parody?

@Subway Justice

@ mysteryfan

Natalie Portman is a good actress, but even the most ardent Lucas lover has to admit that he extracts terrible performances from most of his actors. The dialogue in the prequels was also dismal. So, I for one have had to work pretty hard to efface her wooden, lifeless work in those movies from my memory to be able to

Mmmmmmm. Incesty!

Except that Sixty Minutes is still on too, so …

I hope he brings more of a Smoochy vibe to the project.

To me, Tilda Swinton *IS* Bob Dylan.

I was, as y'all know, a black sheep child that grew up wild from the seeds the four winds sowed. Thus, I was the unwanted son of ice and fire, an orphan of the road.

Since when do prostitutes have business cards?

I've stumbled on the secret link
While poking around on youtube, I happened upon the explanation for this very meh feature getting such prominence here.


She's a brick … post
Lighty lighty letting it all hang close