
I think he secretly loves Tyrion, but I don't think he'll ever give that as a reason out loud. So he will say he's doing it to get Jaime to still leave the Kingsguard. Listen, all this family needs is a little therapy so they can be more honest about their true feelings of love and respect for each other.

prediction: Tywinn turns out to be a pretty good dad and is wrongfully killed by his confused son. I think what we'll see in the show that we don't see in the book is Tywinn manipulating everything on behalf of Tyrion. He's going to make sure the Mountain is the one fighting for the Cersei/prosecution, knowing that

Will someone explain to me how antibiotics are going to help cure what appears to be a flu strain? Last time I checked, antibiotics + viral infection == you're still fucked.

Time for a really obscure reference, but there's an episode of the show Arliss where one of the male characters is effectively raped by a female body builder. I saw this a long time ago, so my recollection might be fuzzy, but as best as I recall he's intending to have sex with her until she turns it on him and pulls

@avclub-0840875a9da6f24c4e0fc883b399d93a:disqus - His name's Ramsay Bolton. I'm going to tell him you called him Snow.

Did Roger die in this episode? I unfortunately deleted the episode from my dvr, so I can't rewatch it and decide, but I feel like he did.

"I like how Peggy and Joan aren’t friends, precisely, but they really do try to be friendly toward each other. Sometimes, that’s all human interaction is."
Well I think it's more than that. They're the only 2 women with any real power in these organizations. I think they're both happy to see that they're once again not

"…and Joan, won over perhaps slightly by her mother’s words, preserves his job in that meeting among the partners. "

Burn him! I'm flagging this as inappropriate. ;)

Spolers: book 5

How many times must himym do a packing episode? I was completely underwhelmed by the lack of creativity of this episode.

*** Spoiler if you read conspiracy theories on the internet***
"He is at least part Stark." - Yes… but not from his father. ;)