
Yes, form your own opinion that matches the opinion of the Almighty Super-Mega-Cool Chris Conley.

I had my own crisis of faith with the film writers around the time they gave Dredd a D+.

For the next month or two, all comments for the film reviews will inevitably lead back to Man of Steel, won't they?

"Stupid flocking white man".

Yeah, no shit. How is watching Johnny Depp pretending to feed his crow-hat and pushing the cause for Native Americans back several years more entertaining than a Shane Black movie?

It's always weird to me how Newburn starts channelling Sephiroth when asking Darkseid if he's had enough. I say it works, though; after the beatdown he laid on him, Superman is kind of terrifying once he finally has no restraints.

I don't use the word "hero" often, but you are the greatest hero in American history.

What dark powers do you have that let you get a hold of Miracleman?

Uh huh, honey.

Anybody else want a book containing O'Neal's best Newswires?

He's good when he's actually being insightful and thoughtful and not screeching scatology like a goddamn toddler. The downside to him getting calmer and more measured in his criticism, though, is those fucking sketches wrapped around his reviews. They go on for too long and distract from the interesting meat of the

I know these are all words in the English language, but arranged like this, they just make no sense.

I've always liked the way he said "That was my favourite arm!" Less horror-struck, more like someone who dropped their phone and cracked the screen.

@avclub-edb4298fb247e84edd2dd6fe38c9ab78:disqus That won't kill Brian Blessed. He's prophesied to die while wrestling a mountain lion.

Let's not set challenges we can't possibly make.

A lesson that's so good Marvel have decided to ignore it for their next event.

He said at a convention he really enjoyed working on erotic comics, since the editors weren't paying attention to what he was drawing so long as it included sex. This meant he could get experimental and try new things with his art.

God, I love Hannon. Worth mentioning that his side-project, The Duckworth Lewis Method, features Matt Berry on a few tracks and is worth your time even if you have no interest in cricket.

There was a signing at the Forbidden Planet in the afternoon, but that was announced months after the RSL talk, and the line would have gotten ridiculously long. Sort of glad I stuck with the talk, it's great hearing him in conversation.

Ah, what would @avclub-c59b5caf792153985c1899d92e36806c:disqus know? He's in a 1920's purgatorial hotel, I'd be grumpy too.