
The biggest disappointment for me in reading reviews of the album is that often the bonus tracks are ignored, and for this album I think they're all highlights on the album so its a shame they didn't make the standard edition. Actually, having listened to it all the way through a couple times now, Wonderland and New

In all honesty, the whole Sarah/Ruby/Hank/Ruby's Mom thing is a little too Luke/Lorelai/Anna/April thing (except Ruby is more of a Jess). I feel the same way about this as I did when Sarah and Mark first got together (which was super similar to Lorelai and Max), in that they are just throwing Lauren Graham old Gilmore

The Zeek and Amber scene felt like a lovely parallel to the scene that they had right after Amber's car crash (he took her to the smashed up car, "I dreamt you," ect.). Agree that they play wonderfully off of each other.