
That looks sweet, but the first thing I think of is why the technician who makes the broadcast breakthrough is also the one on camera? It's not like it's a one man operation.

A lot of scientists don't have depth or rich inner lives. They're just people you meet on the train or at the mall who don't want to talk about what they do because people immediately exclaim "Wow, you must be super smart" And we reply, "No, if I was super smart I wouldn't be doing this"

Yeah, you could totally get your phd by 27. Hell, I got mine by 29 and I had Pete Venkman's level of enthusiasm. Which also goes to show that Bill Murray is not an unbelievable scientist either, just a poor one with sloppy methods and highly questionable conclusions (but the kids love him).

I love that your comment ends with "I".. implying that you had much more to say, but were called away for something and will be back to finish later.

Yeah, for like a store selling hard alcohol to minors or a car company not selling dangerous death machines, but not for a private website having a bug in it or software that doesn't behave the way you expect.

In Canada, it is widely assumed/known that the Prime Minister's office employs thousands of posters/trolls to post right wing talking points on news sites. You can always tell when a story is expected vs when one catches the government by surprise because the trolls take a few hours to get their shit together in the

I know. Literally just a few days ago I left a comment on an Angel/Buffy? review about how fucked up it is. I say Angel/Buffy cause I got there from the Angel list of episodes, but the review was of the corresponding Buffy episodes, but it still had the Angel episode titles at the top. And that's after you get

Well, you still gotta narrow it down. If you present her a list of ten possible movies and say pick one, she'll be back to saying, 'I don't care'. So you gotta play the game.

If we can sue websites for their search engines not working exactly the way we expect, the A.V. Club is going to be in trouble.

Well, you're going to have to work out the details, but since you started with 10 movies that you wanted, I'd say you already eliminated more than her.

Yeah, I don't get it. What does google owe us? It's a private company that offers a service isn't it? If they want to have all the results for every search be some random porn site, that's their right isn't it? I mean, they wouldn't last long, but they could do that.

Google is apparently to blame for all computer related stupidity on the parts of users.

Make a list of about 5-10 movies ahead of time that you'd be good with. Have her eliminate half, then you eliminate half, etc. then you have your answer. Or pick a super long tv series that you both want to watch/rewatch and you're set for months.

*cereselle and Son of Neckbeard have a heart-to-heart chat when they get home*

Here's a totally not sad thing that someone I know did. Look through netflix for promising title/picture possibilities, open IMDB, go to the movie, click on detailed content warning, see how much sex the crazy religious person who reviewed the movie saw. If not enough, repeat for next title.

He always seemed to be on the slow end compared to everyone else. Remember him catching up to the plot several minutes after everyone with "A diversion!" Or exclaiming that something evil was stirring in the east several movies after it was established that Sauron was gaining power there.

Wow, even the most outspoken racists are going to have trouble crying about the PC police in response to those.

That was a fun fact, and if I can remember it correctly, I will use it to make myself seem smarter and more interesting later today. Even if I don't remember it correctly, I'm sure I can fudge it.

Man, these reviews are all messed up ever since the site re-design. I came to this review by clicking on the corresponding episode in the Angel review section and most of the episodes from earlier seasons are missing from the list. You could probably manually search for them, but we know how great the search

I've known people like that. They idolize the south and the confederates, yet still proclaim that the US is the greatest country on earth. And they're Canadian.