
"Those lucky enough to be residents of the Deep South have undoubtedly
experienced the anger that stems from getting cut off by a jacked-up

Haha truck nuts. Like, why not just spray paint the words 'I wish this was my real penis' on the back of your truck?

I'm like this in games with dialogue choices. Even when I'm playing the evil side, I can't bring my character to be impolite in conversation.

Well without that level of accuracy, the whole thing's just going to seem made up.

Wow, I didn't even get the connection he was going for there. It's fascinating to get a glimpse inside the heads of these people. No wonder it's hard to argue with them when they basically have a completely different thought process. Like if Washington was assassinated (and I guess that causes the entire country

Didn't Churchill pretty much want to go right into a full war with Russia? I think that would also probably turn off a lot of people at the time.

Billy Madison spoiler.

Exactly, just use your best judgement and apply it to the situation in question. If someone says, "I'm watching x tv show and so far it's really good", you can probably use your head and figure out that you shouldn't tell them what happens at the end, instead, ask them what they know about the ending.

Don't right-wingers now hate war because a democrat is causing them?

This brings up an interesting sporting question: Is it considered cheating if you break the rules, get caught and punished according to the rules, but win because you broke the rules?

This reminds me of when i was a kid and there was this Sega commercial on tv where they shoot a N64 with a shotgun and I thought 'hey man, I want one of those, come on!'

Yeah, you pretty much have to get control and clear it if you want the game to end. I guess an attack on goal is sort of like the ball being in the air at the buzzer in a basketball game, you just have to let it play out.

Well he said announcer, not announcing team or whatever, so that's what I went by.

Actually, that was what I always did too when I played defence. I wasn't that skilled, but I could kick it hard. So really the least bad option when I got the ball in our end was to just give'r.

I doubt the announcer who is talking through the whole game is also mentally calculating the number of seconds of stoppage time. That would be some 'Rain Man' shit. I can see him speculating that there will be a lot or a little based on the number of injuries and whatnot, but in the end the official who's sole job

If they introduced clock stoppages, then there's absolutely nothing stopping them from adding commercials, so there goes that.

I remember in 1994 when the US hosted, they had to do split screen with commercials every once in a while.

That actually rarely ever happens and would be a horrible strategy.

And Hulk is huge for a soccer player. I wonder if that's intentional.

Not American, but if you say 'Gretzky', everybody knows who you're talking about. Although, he's not exclusively known by his last name (but then neither is this Ronaldo).