
Ah, I suck at reading.

I think it was better to put the industrial areas on the edge of the map. That way half the pollution is somebody else's problem.

You're right with everything you say. I think I'm just trying to defend my initial, off-the-cuff, and not really well thought out, observation. My sticking point is more when you look at something like Netflix: I don't really picture that as one thing you need to download, more like the rate at which you're device

It seems to be used to describe how much a network can download at a time. i.e., 'You're using all the bandwidth'. Really it's the range of frequencies that a given transmitter or receiver transmits or receives.

Speed is defined by distance travelled per unit time. I suppose in common language it means dong something fast, however, I think my sticking point is that with internet usage, it's weird to think of it as doing something fast, since it's more like volume per time. You don't typically say that a slow moving,

This has been bothering me for a while: why do we call it download 'speeds'? It's not a speed, it's a data rate. Also, another pet peeve of mine: 'bandwidth' isn't what everyone says it is.

Ha, I see you there Louis…

Yeah, a few articles ago someone correctly pointed out to me that I was wrong in assuming that 3 goals in soccer is typical, however I think this world cup it's almost 4 goals per game so far (and only one tie).

Actually he did respond to some comments during season 1 or 2, back before we had to register. So I now assume that any 'guest' likes that I get are from famous people.

I'm pretty sure the point of 'So Did the Fat Lady' was exactly not that.

Ha, when I did it, I got 6/10 which was above average. I guess the influx of AV clubbers pulled the average up.

That is true about the cover thing. How many times have I dragged my entire workbag down to the bathroom because I didn't want random people seeing I was going to read some shitty Star Wars EU book.

One thing I hate about e-books is how hard it is to flip back to the map page. I used to read with one finger holding that page that I'd flip back to every time a new location was mentioned, but with e-books I just don't bother.

Yeah. #1. I have no idea… oh wait, that says Gildur, where have I heard that name before.

Well, western Canada birthed the conservatives, but Ontario elects them. So there's plenty of blame to go around.

Are you under some weird impression that we watch completely different tv shows than Americans?

You do that.

I watched the shit out of Breaking bad and everything else he's in, but if I started talking to someone who looked and sounded like Bob Odenkirk on a random street in Canada, I'd think I was talking to to somebody who looked and sounded like Bob Odenkirk and nothing more.


I think he dismisses it as a cartoon rabbit and that's pretty much it for all three reviews.