
One thing that I really picture when I think about being in deep space is listening to noises.

You mean that attitude he had during the filming of *?

His two arguments boil down to: 1) you can say whatever disgusting shit you want, that's free speech.
2) you can't film somebody's tragedy, post it for the world to see, and profit from it.

I think there's a clear distinction between voyeurism and saying stupid shit.

You can dislike whatever you want, but the viewpoint I got from the TI was that people who like soccer are posers or something. Well no, some of us just like different things.

Yeah, I'd like somebody to do a comparison between soccer and hockey (or football) and see, on average, how many scores/per minute there are between the start and end of the game. A 2-1 90-minute soccer game is a 4-2 3-hour hockey game or a 37-19 4-hour football game.

I get so sick of this random tearing down of things people like. "Oh, the entire rest of the world is really invested in this sport? Uh, it must be gay." And it goes both ways too, just because you play rugby or soccer, you don't need to shit on people if they like the NFL. We don't need to judge sports on how

I guess my stumbling block on this matter is assuming that a company as large and successful as Disney would make logical financial decisions.

I'm not sure you should call your wife a 'toy'.

What the fuck is wrong with boys nowadays if they won't play with princess Leia and Black Widow action figures?

That's pretty odd considering how into princesses Disney seems to be. And it's odd for a whole bunch of other obvious reasons.

That sounds like it could be a cool show. I'm always intrigued by Pablo Escobar. He's like a mafia don x100.

When I was writing my theses, they'd always say that you should write at least 2 pages a day. Now that's technical writing, so I'm not sure how it would compare, but still 2 pages a day for a 1000 page book is only like a year and a half.

We will average your sample and his and say that Canada is 50% black people. Which makes sense, when you meet someone, they're either black or not so a 50/50 chance.

Don't people realize that if you honk at me for no reason or tailgate me, I'm just going to drive slower to piss you off? One time someone honked at me for completely stopping at a stop sign. So as I was about to go, I slammed on the brakes and acted all confused about why he was honking. He sure sped up his drive

That's not an X-wing or a Z-95. Which makes sense because after 35 years (more for the Z-95) they'd probably come up with a better fighter.

Well, I'm mostly going by what you're writing cause I skimmed the review, but I see it as we thought he was just a lovable [guy] (there we can put that word to bed), but once this scene happens we find out that he actually just seemed to be that way. I don't think anyone is going to come away from this and say that

"Where's Saul?" "I don't know, we'd better call him."

What's the point of being the most powerful person in the world if you don't like video games? What do you do with your time man?

Yeah, those were birthday candles.