
That maybe leprechauns exist also. You don't know that they don't.

You added in the qualifier 'seemingly', to the description of lovable doof, which totally changes the meaning. You can't simultaneously be a lovable doof and a rapist, but you can seemingly be a lovable doof and a rapist.

Good for him, I guess?

I'm just amazed that there are people out there (a lot of people) who see an argument about science between Bill Nye the Science Guy and somebody else and they take the side of the other person. Like is nothing sacred anymore?

God, what a swarmy, irrespectful, immature, douchbag.

Not just the Prequels, but shitty film making in general.

I love that an entire race of creatures is known for spying. How does that happen? Does their planet naturally have a lot of dark rooftops and back alleys that would cause spying to be the preferred evolutionary direction?

Isn't every app one in which you just click on things? Literally every video game I own, even console and PC ones, I just click (or maybe push) things. Like that's all I do. What a waste of time.

I will take your word on it. It's like how everyone assumes that Darth Vader says "Luke, I am your father".

But they still called him Uncle Joey for some reason.

Disney World has golf courses doesn't it? Maybe the kids want to see dinosaurs, but you think that's boring and want to hit a ball with a stick instead.

And if you're rich and white, you're already doing great, so there's no reason to be an asshole about it and be a republican. Basically, all conservatives are either stupid or assholes is what I'm saying.

I always keep this phrase in mind when I'm done peeing and often end up with dribbles down my pants. Sometimes two shakes isn't enough, man.

Every scientist in the world, no, every human being in the world, all 7 billion of us need to devote all our efforts to researching a cure for cancer. Once that's done, we will all move onto AIDs, then other, less sexy diseases. This is the most efficient way to go about it.

Why the fuck are we in the desert again? "If there's a bright centre to the universe, you're on [it, apparently]". These set photos look like Episode 1. They don't fill me with a lot of confidence.

Same with engagement rings. I can sort of appreciate the view that giving a several thousand dollar rock attached to a metal band shows how much you love a person, but at the same time, I think that saying, 'here, this was my money, but it's going to be OUR money shortly, let's use it to buy a house for our future…

I would have thought it meant he removed the condom.

Is that supposed to sound like something different in her head? Like a Rickyism from Trailer Park Boys? Cause to me, that looks like three random words that mean nothing when ordered like that and shit.