
I remember when I first saw this, I was probably 10. The explanation for them not finding Planet X till now was that the planet was very dark. And even 10-year old me knew that sounded like some bullshit. But now older more educated me realizes that it's not really that far fetched an explanation.

Sounds like a desperate plea to get somebody else to write this for him. "Please help, I don't even know how to use spellcheck, I'm clearly out of my element"

Theon is one ugly looking dude, but his sister, who looks a lot like him, is good looking. How does that work?

Every sentence should end with 'and shit'. Even when there's nothing to add and shit.

Whenever I hear about all the nudity on Game of Thrones, it just leads me to believe that more people should watch Spartacus. GoT is fricking prudish after watching that.

You guys ever fold the perforated sides together to make slinky-like things?

"At that speed [am I] going to be able to pull out in time?"

Me too. I always thought it was something that he lasted after the debacle in Empire. He was a bit cockier in Jedi for sure. "I WAS about to clear them" (subtext: "fuck man, let me do my job you religious freak")

"Look out !!..(cause I'm going to spastically jerk the stick to the right without shoulder checking, which would be quite difficult anyways with these large ass solar panels blocking 90% of my peripheral vision)"

I love your dad's reasoning that he needs to die because he's clumsy. It's hard to argue against really.

I carefully considered all the facts when I made my comment.

If you say so. Your nerd PH is higher than mine I think.

He was great for the trivia of which non-main character appeared in all the Star Wars films. I guess that won't be the case now.

So I guess the nerd litmus test is if you mentally thought 'Corellia' immediately after reading this comment.

Man, him knocking her out cold was seriously the most shocking/surprising thing I've seen in a tv show. Maybe a few scenes in Breaking Bad can match it, but it's up there.

I just loved the slow ramp up to them being super noisy. It starts and they're just being a bit careless dumping the garbage. Then it progress them to throwing and banging the cans against the truck and you start to see where it's going.

Where the fuck do you even see notifications on this new disqus crap?

Yes, me too. It's horrible to think for the kid's sake, but I really want to ask those parents how they're going to deal with that.

Kinda like showing Godzilla roaring at the end of a trailer "Oh, boy it's going to be awesome when the bad guy finally gets it in this movie"

Could we never see the photoshop at the top again though? That'd be great.