
The A.V. Club has given every Seltzerberg movie an F, except for "Disaster Movie," which got a D-, and "Vampires Suck," which got a D. I was certain each movie would be one step higher graded until they started making the best-of list, but… I guess not :(

Take some, you seem to be missing a few:

Actually, that's four periods, counting the ellipsis.

I agree, that was a misandrist point of view that was expressed.

Which leads to the question: What will they do if one of the main voice actors dies?

This individual's racism aside, why is it that hard to abide by the new requirements to vote?

What? No mention of So I Married an Axe MurdererFor shame, A.V. Club. FOR SHAME.

Well obviously, if you're white, you're fundamentally unable to appreciate his movies on the level that blacks do and any opinion you have of them are invalid. Duh.

Tough luck.

The body wash, and the tissue paper… This swag bag truly creates a need, then fills it.

The body wash, and the tissue paper… This swag bag truly creates a need, then fills it.

Um, wouldn't an iPhone be among the flashy new gadgets that bully the old appliances into the garbage? Wouldn't things like a cordless landline phone and a portable CD player be more analogous to the protagonists?

Um, wouldn't an iPhone be among the flashy new gadgets that bully the old appliances into the garbage? Wouldn't things like a cordless landline phone and a portable CD player be more analogous to the protagonists?

My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic: Sonic Rainboom

My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic: Sonic Rainboom