
They are protesting diversity taking precedence over meritocracy.

But it's not a valid scientific point.

I agree with a lot of points made by this memo. If you don't, perhaps you can disprove them with facts rather than just yelling about racism and sexism and bigotry and whatnot? Just a thought.

> I am a snowflake, triggered by triggers, who wants nothing more than a “safe space” where no one can shoot me

Mentions the "Bechdel Test" in the very first review.

Make no mistake, I understand feminist criticism just fine. I just don't care much about it.

Yes, my genital mutilation just led to my "persecution complex."

The fact that The A.V. Club went from best fictional moms to worst fictional dads shows just how little fathers are regarded in society and popular culture. It's one of the many reasons why I'm a men's rights advocate.

You STILL haven't answered my question. Where in the link does it support rape and domestic violence? Show me a quote.

Again, how? "Lulz" does not a good refutation make, even if it's all that SJWs have.

You haven't answered my question.


We are many.

Where? Where does it actually advocate for rape and domestic abuse, and not for fair trials for the accused?

No, I'm saying that when we don't take to the streets, you claim we aren't doing anything for the movement, and when we do take to the streets, you won't listen to what we have to say.

We advocate for equal rights for boys and men. You respond by claiming we MUST be against allowing agency for girls and women. Which side sees it as a zero-sum game, again?

The main reason we aren't more visible outside of the Internet is that others won't let us — everything from public protests to end sponsorships of our conferences to pulling fire alarms when we speak in public (really!) And, of course, little awaits us in the mainstream except mockery. Note the tone of this article.

'They especially want the "rights" to commit domestic violence and rape.' Holy fucking shit, really?