Laser Allgood

I'd love to see Tyler rip off his "wig". Maybe reveal that he's actually a woman.

Regina is way too two-dimensional. Even the scenes where she's meant to be somewhat sympathetic fall flat. Her lines and behaviour scream "evil" without any nuance, and Lana Parilla plays into it (or is being directed to be such a caricature). I keep hoping there's a reason the Regina character is being taken in this

I wasn't that annoyed by Ashley the character. But then again I sat through two seasons of Ashley Madekwe being Belle's groupie on Secret Diary of a Call Girl, and she was far more annoying in that.

What a cheap knockoff (of Runway). Even Project Runway Canada was better than this.
Random observations:
- James is straight?? Shocker.
- Debra Messing added absolutely zilch to judging.
- Let's hope Niccolina doesn't become the Wendy Pepper of this season.

Ha! I just posted about Oliver before. But I re-iterate: the Oliver shit went on for far too long on The O.C., and I hope it won't be the same case here.

Manipulative characters are fun, as long as they get their comeuppance. Tyler's not very subtle in his manipulations, and people should catch on sooner rather than later, before it becomes unrealistic. No one wants another Oliver from The O.C. situation.