Sir Morris


Mark Wahlberg.

I actually liked it too but it sucked from a marketing standpoint because the non-tv-ness of the name distracted people to the point that it was often the focus of discussions around the show rather than the actual content.

I've been thinking they were super similar for a while too.

Aw, I didn't even know there was a possibility of a new Nahnatchka Khan show and now I'm sad.

Not only were the individual episodes awesome, but I also think the development of the study groups' friendship into an important part of their lives has been the best arc the show has ever done.

It's way up there for me too.There are multiple awesome lines that they just layer over other dialogue without even drawing attention to them like Abed's baggel count or Pierce's 'lick her ear' that's just part of a chorus of opinions on pick-up techniques.

Bacon and eggs - Howl's Moving Castle

It was a blooming good direction for the show to take.

So you're saying that if at least half the characters had been well-written females you would have crossed your arms at the reveal and gone 'Implausible! No boy would come up with that story!"

I don't get it either. I would have thought the mood of it was even more of a popularity-killer than the quality though. I mean, it's unrelentingly dark and depressing and that sort of thing has been singled out as a reason other shows have been cancelled.

Unfortunately there is statistical evidence that Teen Wolf is a safer show for white guys than anyone else:

The rigid format of these talent contest reality shows in infuriating. Face Off is a dumb show that I can't quite quit because it has fascinating elements there - the creations, the process of making them, and generally the cast too - but it's all slathered in the exact same story beats and judges' script every week.

I marathoned the last half of season one and now I'm having trouble getting my head out of that universe and back into the real one.

It was even better, he said he DETESTS swimming.

Just because they're starting at the beginning of the outbreak, doesn't mean they need to explain everything. So long as they don't make the main characters scientists researching the disease, it'll be fine and they can handwavingly depict a bunch of civilians/soldiers learning the basic rules like 90% of other zombie

And another thing (that no ones going to read), I've managed to find the 'coming distractions' page with google but I still have no idea how to get there from the home page. It's just giant pictures everywhere and no hint at navigation.