
Yes. Good point. Is the UFO's mission to protect the better earthlings from the Gerhardts or from all nefarious people? Is the UFO us?

Yes. That boulder rolled right back on top of her.

Yeah I think he looks just like him also. That's why I'm confused by the reports (below) that McLarnon (Hanzee) himself says his character eventually becomes the Fargo crime boss Tripoli in season one. Wouldn't you get the new picture IDs after you get the cosmetic surgery? Maybe I'm getting too caught up in the

So Hanzee's gonna get his professional haircut after all. I loved it that he becomes Moses Tripoli, the fat, vaguely ethnic-looking Fargo Season 1 crime boss who then immediately dies by the sword. Can't help it… I like it when loose ends get tied up and there were lots of them.

Man that was good. I haven't thought of those Dr. Hook dirty hippies forever.

Yeah. I still miss TV Without Pity. But this is darn good too.

Joke I always heard as a kid: Why is it so windy in Minnesota? Because North Dakota blows and Wisconsin sucks.

Yeah, the new "realized" Peggy is even more hilarious.

LOL. As you might guess from my name I don't even need to go back to do the research.

Okay… no. I don't have a preference for any particular genre of art. When I look at visual art, there's some classical stuff I love and hate, some contemporary stuff I love and don't like and some impressionist stuff I could look at forever and some that's very boring to me. I am about as far away from being an art

Thank you for that Hawley link. Yes, I do hold out great hope that he will tie it all together. Overall he's done a great job.

Yeah really. Sure it's Luverne, but there's got to be some kind of monthly overhead costs to cover and the indigenous Minnesota populace clamoring for waffles and pancakes.

Yes. I've loved most of the homages to the Coen Brothers, but this was a hugely distracting one. Still holding out hope that something in the last episode will turn it into something more.

I can imagine Michelle Bachmann driving around with a body sticking out of her windshield pretty much everywhere she goes.

The UFO: I feel kinda like I imagine Mike Milligan must have felt when Simone stuck her thumb up his ass. I was having a great time up until that. Didn't say I enjoyed it… said it surprised me… and I can still feel it.

Are you in the next cubicle over from me?

Damn! Ed Blomqvist, The Badass Butcher of Luverne, Minnesota!

Yikes. Lots of "Vince-inducing" dialogue.

Yeah I assumed it was anal. But then I always assume it's anal.