
Every time I'm listing things out loud, my list trails off with "dynamite, grappling hooks…" You know who doesn't love it? Everyone

*Four dimensional chess game

*Four dimensional chess game

Looking around the net i see that I completely missed the fanboy freakout when this footage apparently dropped.

I had just assumed we would not see Hawkeye until the big screen. Although thinking back, I guess they did say he'd be doing some bow action and not just appearing in passing. I consider it spoilery because the embedded clips are clearly not just from the trailers.

Spoiler alert!
The clip starting at 5:37 totally shows Hawkeye with his bow and everything. And by everything I mean male full frontal nudity.

With his wig he looked like Russell Brand

Did anyone else think what we saw was Jughead in the Temple?

What lies in the shadow of the statue
The whole island does. You saw how tall that freakin thing was.

OOH Richard saved Ben by putting him inside a tonton!!!

"I wonder if every time I plunge my toilet a smoke monster guts someone on the opposite side of the world????"

I assumed Richard consulted with Jacob in the Temple.

I was thinking that the scene with Ethan and Ben was after the purge and that he had spared Ethan somehow/for some reason, I guess because I assumed Ben made it back to the DI pretty soon after being fixed up by Richard. What if Ethan is Widmore's kid?