Waking up Surly

its called "Choke". the movie. based on the only chuck palahnuiuiuk book i eva read.

which is to say, in simpler terms, Bert Cooper's orchiectomy escapades all unfurled within the warm, cloistered confines of his talcum-laden groinland.

considering the etymology of "orchid", that seems a tad redundant.

I was thinking that there might be some significance to the close-up shots of those dove carcasses befouling the wedding pie, accompanied by several overlong moments of Joff chewing his bird-tainted pie.
Could his death have been caused by something as mundane as a wishbone perforating his intestines? Or were those

SOMEone's never seen Monkeybone!

That wasn't a tommy gun. It was a drum-fed AK-47. Cylindrical magazine.
I'm pretty sure. Even though I'm not a soldier of fortune. Nor am I a hapless seaman. Just a dude with eyes and a neckbeard.

Paxman asks even sillier questions than Philomena Cunk, for crying out loud.

This film is set in 1963, not the 1950's. I should have thought the difference was appreciable enough to be glaringly obvious.
Thank you for your time and consideration. 

What were you looking for advice on how to clean?

Hey, I had mono in junior high also!

Yeah, that beating was laid on pretty thick.

Yeah, that beating was laid on pretty thick.


Phil should really try using his OWN two hands and a fleshlight to find genitals- its a much more effective method of discovering El Glandorado.

Phil should really try using his OWN two hands and a fleshlight to find genitals- its a much more effective method of discovering El Glandorado.

For years now I've lurked in the shadowy wasteland of the "Dislikes Superhero Films" closet, and I had imagined that I was and would always BE alone. *sniff* *sniff* *sob* I'm so glad you guys spoke up.
'Goofy' is something of an understatement if you're referring to the likes of "Hancock", or "Fantastic Four", or that

For years now I've lurked in the shadowy wasteland of the "Dislikes Superhero Films" closet, and I had imagined that I was and would always BE alone. *sniff* *sniff* *sob* I'm so glad you guys spoke up.
'Goofy' is something of an understatement if you're referring to the likes of "Hancock", or "Fantastic Four", or that

Sam, this was yet another really great interview that you've done. I wish your byline would pop up more often around these here parts. 
Mr. Friedkin comes across as a very engaging subject. The two of you seemed to just be having a fascinating conversation rather than one of those mundane ol'

Sam, this was yet another really great interview that you've done. I wish your byline would pop up more often around these here parts. 
Mr. Friedkin comes across as a very engaging subject. The two of you seemed to just be having a fascinating conversation rather than one of those mundane ol'

Shit, I was confusing him with Vincent Von Vaughan again.