
But if they'd killed Josh then we would have never got 'Noel' in season 3, which is maybe the second best episode in the series

Orange whip?

Yeah, but, if we're going to summarise his story, let's do it right, please…

What? No Goldfinger?


Why just randomly jam a standard issue Chelsea Girl into the package? It's not like it been out of print, you can get it on Amazon for $4. Surely anyone likely to shell out for this box already owns it?

Why just randomly jam a standard issue Chelsea Girl into the package? It's not like it been out of print, you can get it on Amazon for $4. Surely anyone likely to shell out for this box already owns it?


They could have pulled it off if they finished with a

@Lobo Tommy
Kathleen Brennan bought him some Captain Beefheart albums. They married in 1980, around the time Heartattack and Vine came out. I think her first song co-credit was Hang Down Your Head on Rain Dogs ans, since then, her credits have got progressively more numerous album by album, Real Gone is credited

Saw it last night
I thought it was fantastic. I was surprised when you said that the first scene was 25min, because it didn't seem that long and I really found that to be the same for the rest of the film. I knew it was a longish film but it totally breezed by.

Not that the review wasn't helpful and all…
If I liked Hands Across the Void, will I like this?

Springsteen rules but I have never seen him live

Now suck my cock!

The Black Hole
In that Black Hole clip, does he hit him with his robot dick at the 39 second mark?