My same reaction to Melancholia, except for the nightmares. I hated that film and couldn't bring myself to finishing it.
My same reaction to Melancholia, except for the nightmares. I hated that film and couldn't bring myself to finishing it.
And all of the Nazi villains.
"Inessential" is not the same as "shitty". (See my post in a thread above.) In other words, some of the albums on the list might actually be good. Just not necessary.
Cheap bastard. Didn't pay the ferryman OR the bartender.
Not quite. These are albums that are not necessarily bad, just not essential. For example, Bob Mould once made this list a long time ago with a best-of album. Not because his stuff stinks - far from it - but because you could have probably gotten all of the original albums from a used CD store in a college town for…
I knew Meg White would find a job someday.
Heard of them, never heard their stuff tho'. Links etc. greatly appreciated.
The world hates Jim DeRogatis. So we're all sort of even on that score.
Nirvana. Overrated as fuck. Ripped off Killing Joke. No loss.
My late father had ten years of regular Army service under his belt by '66, and was a highly regarded master sergeant. He was given the choice of re-enlisting. By the way, he not only had a very young family, but jungle training in Panama.
Glad you didn't re-up, Dad.
Nam by Richard Baker? Great collection.
Rumor of War by Philip Caputo is probably the standard by which all memoirs of Vietnam are measured thought.
Very true. Griffith was both a Democrat and a Tar Heel through and through. And by all accounts a great guy.
Good: More Orwell on this list, and Bulgakov.
Bad: Camille Paglia made the cut. I have yet to ever witness a coherent English sentence emanating from this twit. She wastes valuable oxygen every day.
So, the producers ascribe to a philosophy that equates your worth to society with wealth, and they lost a fuckload on the first two movies.
C'mon buddy, everyone knows Scientology is a sca.. wait, something's wrong..
I spied the best bathroom graffito ever once on a towel dispenser in a rest stop in Indiana: "Ayn Rand road maps. Take one!"
Whaaat!? You mean, you have no love in your heart for the philosophically and intellectually stunted?
To be fair, they've only announced that it'll be a prequel. Vince Gilligan and co. could change their minds in 3-4 weeks.
Dunst or Von Trier? The last one's nightmare fodder for sure.
Every Von Trier movie is a slow shitty service.