Identifies With Wes To An Unhe

Eh, as someone who's had cocaine fuelled all-nighters, lives in Notts but isn't gay it's not ulikely the guys would meet like this. I suppose it is a wee bit of a stereotype but to be honest it just appeals to anyone who's had massive all nighters and found mmore than just a hedonistic connection at the end. I have to

Call this hyperbole if you like but I'd put Some Loud Thunder up there with Pinkerton and In Utero as purposefully difficult but classic follow up albums that far exceed the overhyped previous.

Walter Chaw over at filmfreakcentral does a great job of explining why the original is so fucking good. It's a deeply fucked up film that completely justifies itself. Brilliant.

Raging Abe Simpson And The Flying Hell Fish (just the right side of too out there, tontine's always make for cool ass stories and it's probably the best looking episode ever, e.g the shadows in the scene where Burns bursts into Bart's bedroom are creepy and look almost alive and of course "hey funboy's, get a room")

I think any white English speaking male aged 24 to 36 can only ever hear the above phrase in Homer's voice.

Possibly only topped by Marge's (in Krusty The Clown Make-up) "Yes Homie? Doo doo doodooo doo doo doo doo doodooo" the moment before. In fact everything to do with how the Klown college billboard ad works on Homer is sublimely funny.

Spartacus worked out pretty well with Kubrick for hire, you
get a strong director any project has a good chance of being good. The other
thing is that the pairing of Refn and this kind of film/story fits very nicely
indeed. Refn does testosterone and masculinity driven movies that have this existential
undercurrent (or in