
Sort of not really SPOILER

Sophist, if you're still kicking around this thread, I love the way you deepen my appreciation for the later seasons of Buffy (it's happened in previous weeks too). Unfortunately I don't think the heightened appreciation really makes me enjoy watching them any more than I did before.

Yeah, the idea of choosing Smile Time over, say, The Cautionary Tale of Numero Cinco when looking for a S5 Angel episode to knock is pretty inexplicable. Although I do agree about Gunn. That character never really worked. I mostly blame the actor, although the writers often gave him uncharacteristically bad

I was never down on S7 Spike the way some people are (though I have other issues with S7), but you just totally sold me on that storyline, Sophist.



What's so great about Angel is that just when you're starting to think it's taking itself way too seriously and may be headed downhill, you get something like Gunn describing S4 as a "turgid supernatural soap opera."

Expect to be disappointed. Then you'll be extra happy when the show picks up after the first 5-6 eps (or however many boring MOTWs there were to kick it off).


SPOILER, sort of: Seems unlikely, since that storyline doesn't happen until season 5.

Actually, that clearly was the case. The judge says: "The application
for a stay of execution of the sentence of death, presented to the Chief Justice and referred by him to the court, is denied. The petition for a writ of certiorary is denied. The petitioner is remanded to the federal facility in Terre Haute,

Wesley, mostly

To be fair though, I think different denominations number them differently.

I dunno, I think it's less realistic that that character would try to name artworks in the first place than that he'd get them wrong. Definitely a little sketchy in the pilot (although I seem to remember that Toby gets it wrong too?) but much less in this case I think.


At this point in the series it's possible not to have even noticed that he's a recurring character. This is the first episode where he really stands out iirc.


As someone who recently went through this process, I can tell you that I hated Buffy-Wesley; he got on my nerves, really played to me as a campy knock-off of Giles without much character of his own. As a result I was disappointed to see him turn up in S1 of Angel (SPOILER: especially because I liked Glenn Quinn and


I vote for drowning.