
There's a hilarious moment in season 4 of Angel where (MINOR SPOILER?) Angel loses his memory of everything that's happened since he was 18, but still doesn't have the accent. He belatedly realizes that his accent is gone and thinks his voice is broken. Joss mentions in the commentary that they decided to do it that

No mention of Faith in this week's writeup. It's been a while since I watched season 3 - is she in these three eps? I do seem to vaguely remember her disappearing for a while before her bravura performance in The Zeppo.


Well, I think the real point is that even when he has a soul, Angel is still tempted to do at least some of the things Angelus would do - he still thirsts for human blood, etc. The demon is still the essence of him, he just doesn't indulge it because he knows (or cares) that it's wrong. I don't remember too clearly

The question of whether to hold Angel responsible for what Angelus does is a very interesting one, and I don't think it's as straightforward as you make it out to be. It seems akin to someone who says or does something very hurtful while incredibly drunk; you know they never would have done it if they were in full

"Bored now" is also the only redeeming moment in the final arc of season 6.