Tampon of Lisa Hayes

Funny Face
I like "Funny Face" too. It's silly fluff, but Astaire is charming as always and Audrey Hepburn is cute as a goddamn button.

Disagree, @Kapow. Eleanor Powell was the shit. The only partner Astaire danced with, not around.

As a fellow Norwegian, I concur. Winter games mastery ensures survival in the coming ice age.

Same with Foster's, which you find everytwhere. Few people drink it in Australia, since the local brews are much better. Personally, I don't mind Foster's, because when I was in college, oilcans were cheap and I could get a couple of those for the same price my friends would buy the one beer they'd sip all night long,

Just saw that the other day. I was sort of flabbergasted by Double Indemnity, because, come on, McMurray is a Disney guy to me (also: Edward G Robinson as the not-bad guy -whoa!). Then saw The Apartment, which was surprisingly progressive in its view of gender politics. Also, young Shirley MacLaine is freakin'

We owe him nothing.

Last year, my grandma died. I usually visited her on Saturdays, but because of my lazy colleagues, I had to go to work that day. Got a text from my uncle later that day, saying she had passed. Stayed at the office and finished up, because I didn't want to go home and I knew there would be a lot that needed doing the

He was great as the Barney doppelganger last ep or the one before too - I'm happy to see NPH displaying actual acting chops. Barney is funny, but one-note.

…all will be revealed in McG's "3001".

On the bright side
it still lasted longer than "Firefly"

I liked "Whatever", but still…Neil Innes of The Rutles successfully sued Oasis for plagiarism over that very song. Which, when you think about it, makes Oasis a rip-off of a piss-take.

Whither Cop Out?
'cause that was awful.

Hey, if the injections are some sort of aging thing, maybe that means Leila is actually like 10 years old. That would probably add something to their dynamic. Something horrible, but still.

Wax-ons and jerk-offs
…Ted thinks The Karate Kid is the best movie ever? I just watched an older episode where he entertains doubts about sleeping with Sarah fucking Chalke because she doesn't like Star Wars, which, frankly, is just fucking stupid. So not only is Ted an idiot, he's a franchise whore to boot.

Robert Christgau is 68 years old and reviews Black Eyed Peas singles for a living. I can't help but think that's a bit sad.

Darren E. Burrows is actually Billy Drago's son; I can never again see Ed without noticing a deranged killer or two lurking in the back of his gaze.

I love me some NE; no other TV show that ever flung a cow on with catapult, even though that shit should be mandatory.