The Life Neurotic

I was going to say The Daily Caller, but I like your theory.

I mean if World Net Daily and The Blaze say it, it has to be true!

I mean if World Net Daily and The Blaze say it, it has to be true!

They get book deals and talk shows.

They get book deals and talk shows.

With the dialysis machines? That would be pretty bad ass!

With the dialysis machines? That would be pretty bad ass!

Yeah when was the last time you saw Bin Laden, that motherfucker is behind on child support

Yeah when was the last time you saw Bin Laden, that motherfucker is behind on child support

If that's what people say about me when I go, I can truly rest in peace.

If that's what people say about me when I go, I can truly rest in peace.



Not sure, ask Fox "news" I think that is how they built their empire.

Not sure, ask Fox "news" I think that is how they built their empire.

Falwell made one of his typical asinine statements, this time that the Antichrist would be a Jewish male, so Franken was debating him on it and being the smart ass that he is asked that question.

Falwell made one of his typical asinine statements, this time that the Antichrist would be a Jewish male, so Franken was debating him on it and being the smart ass that he is asked that question.

Well, clearly!

Well, clearly!

I think it was Jerry Falwell but yes you are correct