The Life Neurotic

I think it was Jerry Falwell but yes you are correct

I was just thinking the same thing as I was strolling down the AR-15 aisle at Walmart.

I was just thinking the same thing as I was strolling down the AR-15 aisle at Walmart.

I dunno, that whole one yard short thing would probably haunt me, but then I take football far too seriously.

I dunno, that whole one yard short thing would probably haunt me, but then I take football far too seriously.

And here I am without a TV

And here I am without a TV

Not a day goes by I don't ask the same question about the Redskins

Not a day goes by I don't ask the same question about the Redskins

The tales of her champagne room antics have been vastly overstated.

The tales of her champagne room antics have been vastly overstated.

I expect only the best and perfection.

I expect only the best and perfection.

I know, Facebook hadn't even gone to the Timeline format yet, ah the good ol' days

I know, Facebook hadn't even gone to the Timeline format yet, ah the good ol' days

Well it's no Dawes

Well it's no Dawes

I think what's really offensive is that they are still doing these roasts. But I guess Jeff Ross and Lisa Lampenelli have to eat.

I think what's really offensive is that they are still doing these roasts. But I guess Jeff Ross and Lisa Lampenelli have to eat.

RIP Good sir