The Life Neurotic

@Scrawler2:disqus I think he basically said he was pro-life at some point

I do that a lot, though mostly because I am just a hollow empty shell of the youthful idealism I once was.

No love for Heavyweights?

Probably the same as Burma electing a guy named U Nu

The concept of Leslie Mann's career?

No, the closest he came was in 2000, and thats how Dubya won the presidency.  He's had his time.


Yay, middle age

Given Ellen's ratings, a lot of people

Jesus, I mean first he gets Suharto and Sukarno confused and now this.

Choose your own thematically appropriate metaphor?

I think a spambot stole your post

this whole feed seems unfortunate given everything that has happened in the past couple of days.

God I miss that show

In some ways I would rather have Luck than RGIII, I think he may have a longer career.

I think he will, but as I have learned from years and years of disappointment, I don't get my hopes with the Redskins, or the Capitals, actually as long as any Washington team doesn't collectively shit themselves during a game I take that as a small victory.

This calls for a dinner party, I shall begin a marinade.

It's the Redskins, you have to expect them to do something stupid, even worse than giving up 3 first round picks

He is in a feud with me because I have my own opinion

Well, everyone here seems happy, so….OPA?