The Life Neurotic

Ah yes, RGIII

Next thing you know someone will tell me Quentin Tarantino has a thing for feet

Well she is making a Buscemi face in that picture

That could also work

Pathmark or GTFO

Eh, but in the end it didn't really work out all that well for Casper

That sounds like a good name for my new band

In all fairness, you would probably have that look on your face too if you had blown Vincent Gallo at some point in your life.

Will Larry Clark be guest directing any episodes?

If I didn't know any better, I'd swear you were accusing the producer of Bush's Razorblade Suitcase of hypocrisy

Venomous? No one has brought up that UPN sitcom he starred on with Randy from the Wire yet.

I am sure Steve Albini doesn't give two splats of an old junkies vomit what John Paul Jones thinks.

It does have the Sixpoint Brewery though.

The Professor is a Cure fan

Yeah I saw it when I was 16,  I hadn't heard of Von Trier yet, but I am a Bjork fan.  It left me depressed for about a week.

I'd go, but it wouldn't feel the same,  the rhythm section was just as integral to the bands sound as Moz and Marr were.

I may not agree with what you say but I will defend to the death your right to say it.

That joke isn't funny anymore

So at the end of this film am I going to be horribly depressed or will I feel like I need a shower?

This headline was a bit redundant don't you think?