The Life Neurotic

That's how it starts, soon you will be watching C-Span, writing letters to your congressman every single day, and asking why people give Leno so much shit.

I agree with you on her religious views, but for a right wing pundit she is actually tolerable.

Well that explains my desire to smoke at a young age, my hatred of mondays, and my desire to wear bad suits

@Scrawler2:disqus Yeah, its even worse when you work on the Hill, but its always nice to know another Washingtonian

Plus Miller is fairly busy with his appearances on Red Eye with Greg Gutfield

Who is T. Mills?

I wouldn't recommend reading the strip where Nermal gives his thoughts on Obama's birth certificate.

Yeah that sounds about right

@avclub-29501df08e5d9ae59e432e4f188d3735:disqus Well, at least it wasn't Michelle Malkin

@avclub-6c808a61c7543ed13e7a027ec067641a:disqus I guess they always figured the Whitest Kids U Know would handle it.   But it does seem like something  SNL would have gotten to and ran into the ground by now.

There are a lot of them in most 100 level political science courses, then they all seem to disappear after that.

Ann Coulter is actually fairly nice in person.  But the whole cross ideology marriage thing seems to be working for Mary Matalin and James Carville

Goddamn Ayn Rand

I don't know.  I'm an American, I don't like hearing the opinions of people I don't agree with.

I personally will not be entering the voting booth without hearing Earl Sweatshirts opinion on the Eurozone crisis and which party can best handle America's interest in it.

If they want to do gay panic jokes just bring back Danny Pintauro, and then it can be a full fledged reunion.

He can be crass, but he doesn't normally pull punches with the guests which I like.


Yeah, I guess that is one way of looking at it, but I say this as someone who grew up with parents that were particular about what I read.

I don't think I am the target audience.