The Life Neurotic

First of all, I have no beef with Dr. Seuss or Nursery Rhymes.   But there are plenty of good children's books that weren't written with the hopes of being adapted into a movie.  That's not to say I wouldn't like it if my kids wanted to read Tolstoy or Shakespeare.

Ok, fine you caught me,  I have a gluten allergy, so I am indifferent about muffins.

I just would like to meet the parents who are letting their kids read this crap


So "Cops" is facing cancellation but this gets picked up?

It's on days like this that I can see where those people who don't own TVs are coming from.

I was listening to Gilded Palace of Sin all weekend.  Would everyone please stop dying

See?  This is the kind of shit I'm talking about

Only if they promise never to make another album again, under the penalty of torture

Those fairs sound like a world of human wreckage

Yeah, I talked to his wife on a phone sex line not long ago.

I was willing to give Newcombe more slack than I was Taylor-Swift, only for the fact that Brian Jonestown Massacre has a couple decent albums and the fact that he is a bat shit insane drug adict.

True story,  I was at a cafe in Portland and Taylor-Squared walked in and I got excited because the barista had just put out a fresh batch of muffins.

I have 13 Tales, but honestly haven't listened to it in ages and may have deleted it from my iTunes to make space for something else.  After watching Dig and what not, I just can't defend them or be lie to myself about their talent.

And this was back when that kinda-sorta, could have meant something

They came over to my work and I refused to cook them something that they'd love

Now I know everyones shit is emotional

Can we stop using the term chillwave? It just gives people another reason to make fun of me for liking Toro Y Moi

I'd be willing to excuse Courtney Taylor-Taylor-Taylor-Taylor-Taylor-Taylor's behavior in "DiG" if it wasn't for the fact that they are shit. At first I thought the bad reviews were just Pitchfork being Pitchfork, but there is just no defending this crap. Who exactly is still buying their albums?

Not bad,  I saw the "Hollywood Forever Cemetery Sings" video a while back and enjoyed it,  the song just as much as Aubrey Plaza, glad it just wasn't a one and done thing.