The Life Neurotic

@avclub-33beffd09a1b020d1187c6b4b264014a:disqus Your allergies are merely a lifestyle choice

Snarky black guy playing hockey comment

@avclub-33beffd09a1b020d1187c6b4b264014a:disqus Which is a sin punishable by flogging in Leviticus

Look I bought "Tidal" what more does Fiona Apple want from me?

You mean like the obscure Leviticus references that state the high priest has to examine any item that has mold on it?

Well, penicillin should clear it right up

Throw in Monique saying 'Oh No She Di'int' and you've got yourself a deal

Just don't put Hugh Abbot in charge of it

Throw in some not so thinly veiled Christian references and you have found box office gold

Yeah, but those Three's Company marathons on Nick at Nite aren't going watch themselves

That is actually not the first time someone has told me that, weird.

And I thought "All Dogs Go to Heaven" was dark

I wonder how many scenes featured five button suits

you aren't

So long story short, I didn't really miss anything by continuing my trend of not going to the movies

At least those movies tried to have a story, rather than just looking like someones Tumblr page in live action.

So is this worst than Friedberg/Seltzer?  Is that even possible?

MiG is the one that is closing, Irish Whiskey is the lounge

It's one of those books I feel I should have read already, but I am ashamed to say I have not.  Though I will add it to my list. Marquee Moon is definitely in my top 10 albums.

MiG, though it was more malaise than sad