The Life Neurotic

Which I think was an unreleased concept album of his

It was so nice of Billy Corgan to let someone else play drums

@avclub-5252cd1338f39102cec6168336365a88:disqus I always assumed that the meaning of ionic was universally known.

Season 1 of Tim is good, but 2 and 3 just seem forced and a little too over the top, the premise worked well for the first season, but I guess they figured they could only use that so much.

I completely forgot that I watched "Birdemic" at my office on Friday.  It was a slow day.

Meh, no worries

With Dukie, it just seemed everything was coming full circle, he was just another product of his environment.  Michael was more heart-breaking, he seemed like he was doing everything he could to stay out of that life.

Agreed, what I had, on the House side, barely qualified as a cubicle.

@avclub-bca3531762af8a993c4f60c48fd5e33b:disqus I can play the title track on an endless loop and never get sick of it, in fact it is currently #2 on my most played tracks on iTunes

Ted should take a cue from him.

That will always be the dream….not being snarky, if it were feasible I would love to run my own bar.

I think the scene that always got to me was right after Carver dropped Randy off at the group home and he goes back to his car and just breaks down.

While I love Breathless, I am going to disagree with @avclub-489acfbfa4d2424403acb81699170ac2:disqus and suggest going with Pierrot Le Fou.

It was nice to hear in a bar, because in D.C. you don't really find very many places that would play Television or Sonic Youth.  After finally finding a bar that appeals to my pop culture sensibilities, I discovered this weekend that is closing.

There seems be mass confusion among the general public regarding words that start with the letter "i" and end in "onic"

Which is in fact a metaphor for over-regulation on the part of government bureaucrats.

Friday: avoided doing any actual work and spent the bulk of my day commenting on here.  Went out with friends and debated whether or not Phoenix and the xx are good bands at a whiskey lounge that was playing "Marquee Moon" and "Daydream Nation"

This only scares me out of my fear of receiving lengthy lecture on Objectivism.

Like Steve Albini is to music, I think Franzen is great at his craft but can't really function well in society and is, to put it lightly, a bit of a curmudgeon .  Like Harry Bloch, he can only function in art

You made a drummers list and didn't include Neil Peart?  All I can do is say THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart.