The Life Neurotic

Yeah, I definitely worked with a few Dan's (In fact, I was probably one myself).  I'm kind of conflicted about the absence of a Malcolm-esque character, but it's probably best not to try and replicate one of the greatest characters ever created.  What works best about Veep is it's sort of its own creation and not just

@golspie:disqus I hear he and Pete Townshend have a lot to talk about, though I was watching "The Thick of It" and there was a scene where he referred to someone as a nonce, didn't know how to react to that one.

This was hysterical, though I wish they had a Malcolm Tucker, still definitely an A and as a former Hill staffer, hit fairly close to home.

As a whole, I am attracted to the politics of it and I felt that the lyrics did speak to me on a somewhat personal level, but by my sophomore year of college, the whole raging against everything just seemed pointless.  This was around the time Avril Lavigne was beginning to get popular as were bands like Sum 41 and

Is that why they kept trying to get me to watch the Madonna version of "Swept Away"

Yeah, I am expecting a mass e-mail to be sent out about proper internet usage at work that while not directed at anyone in particular you know is about you

No,  @avclub-29501df08e5d9ae59e432e4f188d3735:disqus , Monster Island

Uh huh, and yet they still can't figure out that just because they don't have Jaws on instant queue doesn't mean I want to watch Megalodon vs. Giant Octopus

Yeah I really enjoyed trying to explain that one to my coworkers

Look at me, I'm Songs of Love and Hate Man, give me the candy

At least it's just your nightmares, he showed up to my house and never left.

And Armando Ianucci is crossing his fingers and saying "Please, don't let this turn out like Coupling"

Are you making fun of my colitis? Because that's not cool man.

That and Parklife are the only two I own by them

Including the rare duet of Damon Albarn and Noel Gallagher

I think in this situation, I'd be cool with Kanye interrupting her.

too soon man, too soon


It's smells like Otto's jacket

Good, I've been hankering for some "There's No Other Way" demos