The Life Neurotic


Was Pia Zadora busy?

It's definitely taking away from the vocals

I did once, their snide remarks hurt more than the bullets.

Marlo's already pushing Mary Kay on his corners

Well, however history judges Mark Wahlber's film career, at least we'll always have the music.

Who would did not give the producers the rights to their name in this movie as they had a reputation to protect

Just ask Michelle Bachmann

Next thing you know they'll make a movie about stay at home dad….what? fucking liberal hollywood

As long as you change your name

No, but I may have been blacklisted because in the script the villain is a short balding guy with a bad temper named Scott Gruden, people read too much into these things.

Son of a bitch you stole my idea

@avclub-feae0413efdc4949d00150a4bcb4d4b1:disqus Gutsy question, you're a shark

And yet my screenplay about a dog selling Amway with Rob Schneider as his sidekick keeps collecting dust

American Psycho was great,  Kathryn Bigelow I am on the fence about, Jamie Babbitt is pretty good.

If you're Jeff Zucker, a lot.

The question is does Disney have the pure strength of will?

And the unfortunate career choice of being a corrections officer

You forgot to mention that Tony Danza only gets six months to live at the end.

Mumblecore directors could learn a thing or two