The Life Neurotic

*Prepares self for onslaught* Miranda July?

I might actually pay money to see Disney movies if Rick Ross were running the show.

I should be so lucky

I feel better knowing I am not the only person who remembers that movie.

@avclub-79ba5a3224b33f694550aec4901a60ef:disqus Arguing with people who barely speak English about taking you to Brooklyn and hoping you are drunk enough not to feel any pain when this person who can barely drive crashes.

It happens periodically, I think it's a union thing.

I laughed way to hard at that one.

You're killing me, @avclub-cc8a3570c64524493cfb86da33327fa9:disqus

I guess, I never really identified with a specific punk community, I liked Television (still do) just as much as the Descendants.  But for a movement that it is supposed to be anti-establishment, the amount of conformity that is expected never ceases to amaze me.

@avclub-5751693536add9cb4b813590b0fedbf9:disqus Eh, she contributed to there being more than one movie where we had to see Harvey Keitel's penis

You say that like it's a bad thing

@avclub-91218c77f8f780cc1b0e00f826b155b8:disqus I just wish he had kept his promise to not be one of those parents who doesn't shut up about his kid

@avclub-9c3508e704aa16945cf79b05af57848c:disqus Well someone had to pay for his laser satellites

You would be too if you starred in a short lived sitcom with the aunt from Full House

The hope of going on that show was the only reason my parents ever visited me when I lived in New York.

@avclub-bca3531762af8a993c4f60c48fd5e33b:disqus That must have made for some awkward family therapy sessions

Or maybe the black kid?  When was the last time he was in anything?

@avclub-b0dae075785888267fc19871f3e7dab7:disqus They made that joke on Workaholics, I wondered how many people got the reference.  Of course I also wondered why I was watching Workaholics.

No love for Taylor Negron?

Jonathan Silverman was in it, I am not sure why I felt that was worth mentioning.