The Life Neurotic

@avclub-e7c26e48b7ee853cbf5e49de5d800745:disqus What always kills me about the Tea Party is that they complain about the debt and worship Reagan and fail to realize that Reagan tripled the national debt.

@avclub-808e22af6c33eea22608f30cef458844:disqus Americans don't play soccer so God doesn't care

It was Rookie of the Year and the reason why every one on my little league team would chant "pitcher has a big butt" for the next two years.

I know, that's why my favorite team is in the NL

No, their comfortable upper middle class existence has given them no actual problems, so they are pissed about that.

@avclub-e7c26e48b7ee853cbf5e49de5d800745:disqus What frightens me about that is the fact that I consider Reagan to be one of our worst presidents (YEAH I SAID IT) and yet in today's GOP he probably wouldn't even win his primary.

It is

I have, God's okay with a lot of things that are kind of fucked up, at least Old Testament God was, I guess New Testament God read some Eckhart Tolle or something and mellowed out a bit

The other two were shit, but don't hate on "The Sandlot"

Growing up I refused to watch "Angels in the Outfield", I felt it condoned cheating.

Indeed,  I'll save the "Turner Diaries" reference for another post.

I think she is just one of those cool to hate on types,  I personally like what I have seen by her, from a directing standpoint.

@Scrawler2:disqus I would imagine walking down the streets of L.A. muttering "I'm a Coppola" to himself non-stop

Growing up in Maryland always made me appreciate that all the more

Not since Giuliani

Magic Johnson did that years ago

And when I say Sean Mondavi wine, I of course just meant I alternate swigging from bottles of Montezuma and Five Alive

I think Nugent is supposed to be hosting a livechat on Stormfront, so he should be occupied.

Well as long as he can get through it without breaking character he has my vote

If it's not Sean Mondavi wine, I don't drink it, so I wouldn't know.