The Life Neurotic

This may be the first time in recorded history the words "bling" and "Sofia Coppola" have been used in the same sentence.

Guess it beats doing porn.


You forgot about the pantaloons…..I just wanted to say pantaloons.  I think it was just a problem of casting though, Kirsten Dunst was not right for the role, but I honestly don't hate on that movie as much as I should.

What's a Bruce Willis?

Eh, I give her a pass because Judy Davis was in it and it had a good soundtrack

"Hey, Wes? It's Sofia, look, I really need to get my brother off my couch, anything you can do?"

Look, Godfather III was over 20 years ago, stop giving Sofia Coppola shit

Tell your mom I sent her the goddamn check, quit bugging me.

I sort of rolled with the whole "punk scene" in HS, but mostly just for the music.  I didn't drink or do any drugs in HS, it never really appealed to me at the time, but I always found straight-edgers to be self righteous twats akin to Focus on the Family supporters.  I don't think I started drinking in college just

Well, at least I can move on with my life now

You weren't there…..

Am I supposed to care about this? Because I still don't

Gonna just listen to "Music from the Big Pink" and drinking Genesee Cream Ale all weekend

Goth Talk always cracked me up because in H.S. I knew a lot of "goths" very similar to Circe and Azrael.

Well if Harmony Korine was somehow involved, I think they could swing it

And yet Nugent continues knuckle drag….sigh life sucks

Hmm, guess I didn't make the cut.

LOVE WERKS, Phil Hartman as a transexual German

M. Night Shylaman could direct, the twist being that Mister Bojangles is NOT a girl.